Introducing . . . . .
Touchstone Essentials
Pure Body Extra
Activated Nano Zeolite
Pure Body Extra
Activated Nano Zeolite
Environmental toxic substances have been called the "the silent killers". In what follows, you'll learn how they kill, and why it's so important to get them out of your body. You'll also learn how activated liquid zeolite gets environmental toxins out of your body more directly, effectively and safely than any other product we know - and why this formulation has been called
“Possibly the Most Important Supplement Ever Released"
To meet the demands of our industrial, technological society, we extract great masses of toxins from the earth. We process and combine these into new substances, also toxic. At each step - in mining, manufacturing, use and disposal - toxins escape to our environment. They penetrate our soil, our water, our air, our homes, our very bodies. They contribute to our most serious chronic illnesses, and to deaths and unwellness worldwide
As a magnet for toxic substances, clinoptilolite is unique in the natural world – a kind of needle in a haystack substance, able to absorb some of the worst poisons we know, and remove them safely from the body. The special qualities of this substance - plus a breakthrough method to prepare it - lead some to consider activated liquid zeolite “possibly the most important supplement ever released”. It may in fact be the best solution to environmental toxins we’ll see in our lifetime !
The Genius of Nature ......
Medical folklore tells us that wherever a poison occurs in nature, an antidote is to be found nearby. It's hard to imagine a natural environment more abundant in toxic substances than a volcano – which is where clinoptilolite, the basis for this detox product, originates
Clinoptilolite is no more than a mineral from nature – but an extremely special one. Its strong negative charge, very unusual in a mineral, causes it to attract substances with a strong positive charge. Fortunately, a great many substances harmful to human beings fall into this category
Clinoptilolite forms in volcanic ash that’s been immersed in seawater for long periods of time. The channels in its cage-like, crystalline structure are of a size that readily trap heavy metals, and exclude normal helpful human electrolytes – which, as it happens, are also of lower positive charge.
The combination of channel size and electrical attraction give clinoptilolite an unfailing preference for heavy metals over helpful electrolytes – a fact of great benefit to human beings. Clinoptilolite has further mechanisms by which it captures yet more classes of toxins - but ongoing testing, now several years in duration, shows no depletion of normal electrolytes.
Touchstone Essentials Pure Body Extra
...... And a Brilliant Stroke of Science
To create Pure Body Extra Nano Zeolite, clinoptilolite is put through two ingenious, high tech processes.
Most detox products work in the GI tract, absorbing toxins there, but unable to penetrate further. To overcome this limitation, clinoptilolite is micronized, broken down into the tiniest of particles, so small that they enter the bloodstream and reach the most remote parts of the body.
Furthermore, through another technological process the clinoptilolite is activated – emptied of the various toxins it had accumulated in nature. The unique cage-like or “honeycomb” structure of the clinoptilolite molecule also provides an extremely large absorptive surface, so that toxins are carried off in maximum quantities. These substances are excreted by way of the kidneys without damage to the body, and again, without taking its normal electrolytes.
“Toxin” Means "Poison”
Now that you've met Pure Body Extra Strength in brief, let's review some of the problems environmental toxins cause us. Considered factors in over 90% of all chronic illnesses, these substances affect every person on our planet. Here are some of the ways they harm us :
- Environmental toxic substances cause free radical damage. Stealing electrons from body tissues, they turn affected tissues themselves into free radicals - a destructive chain reaction. Both internally and for our skin, this causes premature aging
- Free radical damage can also cause inflammation. As toxins accumulate where the body is weakest, this inflammation can happen virtually anywhere. It’s particularly serious when it occurs in blood vessels, where it can lead to heart attack or stroke
- Free radical damage to the genetic material of our cells can lead to cell mutation, a key factor in cancer, and also in birth defects.
- Heavy metals and other toxins gravitate especially to fatty tissues. This includes not only our outer fat layer, but the fat surrounding our internal organs. When fat is metabolized, toxins are released, disturbing numerous physiological functions. Toxins in the fatty tissues of our nervous system contribute to serious neurological illnesses
That the body stores toxins in fatty tissues, is actually a protective mechanism - it puts them in a stable form where they will do least damage. To keep them there, the body also has protective mechanisms to prevent fat from being broken down. Environmental toxins thus also contribute to obesity. For the the body it's a lose-lose situation : either release toxins and cause harm ..... or build fat to store them !
Touchstone Essentials Pure Body Extra
Stealing Nutrients – Systematically
Environmental toxins block nutrient receptor sites throughout the body, preventing access to normal nutrients, and disrupting multiple normal body processes. Examples include :
- Blockage of calcium receptor sites by lead, compromising the health of our bones
- Blockage of magnesium receptor sites in the ATP molecule by mercury, undermining the body’s key way to produce energy
- Occupation of zinc receptor sites by arsenic, compromising our immune functioning.
The outcome is that it may not matter how well we eat or what excellent supplements we take - our physiology is undermined because nutrients simply can’t get in. Probably less than one person in a hundred is aware of this – yet it affects us all !
Many Sided Attack on the Immune System
The volume of toxins in our environment is more than nature ever prepared us for. The composition of many man made substances - including many we put in foods - are also such that the body can’t even recognize them. The immune system is forced to attack these substances constantly. Environmental toxins even cause the body to attack itself
Besides lost nutrients, inflammation and free radical damage, the immune system must contend with a toxin induced acid environment in the blood and tissues. A low pH weakens the immune system, and decreases its efficiency. Meanwhile, bacteria, viruses, molds, fungi – and cancer cells – all thrive in an acid environment
Together these harmful effects may lead to immunune underfunction effects may lead to immune underfunction (immune suppression) ; hyperactive function ; or as indicated, confused function, in which the body attacks its own tissues. Autoimmune illnesses such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis belong to this last category. The most common examples of hyperactive immune function are allergies and asthma, which are now almost epidemic. To summarize, our human immune forces are under fierce, complex, worldwide, yet mostly unrecognized attack
Touchstone Essentials Pure Body Extra
Accumulation, Sequestration ..... Disease
Our body works to metabolize toxins, or otherwise push them out, and it has a great capacity for this. But there are also limits - especially in the immature system of a developing child, if we’re already sick, and as we age. A condition of "body burden" may develop, where the body can’t keep up, and toxins accumulate. Common experiences of persons burdened by toxins include digestive, respiratory, mood and mental clarity problems, joint and muscle pain, allergies and fatigue.
As noted, the body stores toxins where they’ll do least harm, in metabolically less active tissues such as fatty tissues and bone. Nevertheless, as toxins accumulate, our self-protective capacity eventually breaks down. At a certain moment, a tipping point is reached into disease.
Brave New World of Illnesses
If we consider modern diseases, with few exceptions they’re not contagious. We don’t worry we’ll “catch” cancer, diabetes, a heart attack, stroke, multiple sclerosis or Alzheimer’s disease. They’re illnesses we develop, most often by the processes just described. The Centers for Disease Control has identified a historical crossover from infectious and primarily inflammatory diseases, into chronic degenerative ones. Environmental toxins play a key role in them all !
Touchstone Essentials Pure Body Extra
Mental Illness Too
Have a look at this table, which indicates many known psychiatric symptoms arising from heavy metal exposure to the nervous system. But this isn’t the end of the matter. Effects on mood and consciousness are seen in disturbances of the lungs, liver, kidneys and heart – organs the table also shows to be affected by heavy metals. To broaden the picture, the table takes into account only heavy metals. It doesn’t consider possible psychiatric effects of literally thousands of other known environmental toxins
With one in four adult Americans now estimated to have some form of mental illness, the outlook is unsettling. But when it's possible to get heavy metals and toxins out of our bodies, the view gets considerably brighter !
Enter Pure Body Extra
Touchstone Essentials Pure Body Extra is not a medicine, and doesn’t cure, treat or prevent disease. It does remove substances that undermine multiple organs and body processes, deprive them of nutrients, corrode and mutate them internally, and give rise to mental and emotional symptoms. Removal of destructive environmental toxins, though ? This Pure Body Extra does splendidly !
As it moves out of the digestive tract, Pure Body Extra first carries off toxins in the blood. Now deeper-lying toxins emerge, and are also excreted. Toxins are removed in an an "affinity sequence" beginning with mercury and lead, in the sense of peeling the layers of an onion. This penetrating detox affects every organ and body system, relieving toxic burden and letting impeded nutrients reach them again.
With this, the body receives a chance to revitalize, and to do what it’s capable of - namely heal itself. Touchstone Essentials Pure Body Extra unchains the body’s own self healing powers - and this is the source of it's many benefits.
Many Sided Attack on the Immune System
The volume of toxins in our environment is more than nature ever prepared us for. The composition of many man made substances - including many we put in foods - are also such that the body can’t even recognize them. The immune system is forced to attack these substances constantly. Environmental toxins even cause the body to attack itself
Besides lost nutrients, inflammation and free radical damage, the immune system must contend with a toxin induced acid environment in the blood and tissues. A low pH weakens the immune system, and decreases its efficiency. Meanwhile, bacteria, viruses, molds, fungi – and cancer cells – all thrive in an acid environment
Together these harmful effects may lead to immunune underfunction effects may lead to immune underfunction (immune suppression) ; hyperactive function ; or as indicated, confused function, in which the body attacks its own tissues. Autoimmune illnesses such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis belong to this last category. The most common examples of hyperactive immune function are allergies and asthma, which are now almost epidemic. To summarize, our human immune forces are under fierce, complex, worldwide, yet mostly unrecognized attack
Touchstone Essentials Pure Body Extra
Accumulation, Sequestration ..... Disease
Our body works to metabolize toxins, or otherwise push them out, and it has a great capacity for this. But there are also limits - especially in the immature system of a developing child, if we’re already sick, and as we age. A condition of "body burden" may develop, where the body can’t keep up, and toxins accumulate. Common experiences of persons burdened by toxins include digestive, respiratory, mood and mental clarity problems, joint and muscle pain, allergies and fatigue.
As noted, the body stores toxins where they’ll do least harm, in metabolically less active tissues such as fatty tissues and bone. Nevertheless, as toxins accumulate, our self-protective capacity eventually breaks down. At a certain moment, a tipping point is reached into disease.
Brave New World of Illnesses
If we consider modern diseases, with few exceptions they’re not contagious. We don’t worry we’ll “catch” cancer, diabetes, a heart attack, stroke, multiple sclerosis or Alzheimer’s disease. They’re illnesses we develop, most often by the processes just described. The Centers for Disease Control has identified a historical crossover from infectious and primarily inflammatory diseases, into chronic degenerative ones. Environmental toxins play a key role in them all !
Touchstone Essentials Pure Body Extra
Mental Illness Too
Have a look at this table, which indicates many known psychiatric symptoms arising from heavy metal exposure to the nervous system. But this isn’t the end of the matter. Effects on mood and consciousness are seen in disturbances of the lungs, liver, kidneys and heart – organs the table also shows to be affected by heavy metals. To broaden the picture, the table takes into account only heavy metals. It doesn’t consider possible psychiatric effects of literally thousands of other known environmental toxins
With one in four adult Americans now estimated to have some form of mental illness, the outlook is unsettling. But when it's possible to get heavy metals and toxins out of our bodies, the view gets considerably brighter !
Enter Pure Body Extra
Touchstone Essentials Pure Body Extra is not a medicine, and doesn’t cure, treat or prevent disease. It does remove substances that undermine multiple organs and body processes, deprive them of nutrients, corrode and mutate them internally, and give rise to mental and emotional symptoms. Removal of destructive environmental toxins, though ? This Pure Body Extra does splendidly !
As it moves out of the digestive tract, Pure Body Extra first carries off toxins in the blood. Now deeper-lying toxins emerge, and are also excreted. Toxins are removed in an an "affinity sequence" beginning with mercury and lead, in the sense of peeling the layers of an onion. This penetrating detox affects every organ and body system, relieving toxic burden and letting impeded nutrients reach them again.
With this, the body receives a chance to revitalize, and to do what it’s capable of - namely heal itself. Touchstone Essentials Pure Body Extra unchains the body’s own self healing powers - and this is the source of it's many benefits.
We have more articles and product reviews on activated liquid zeolite, but we hope that by now the big picture's clear :
- Environmental toxins are a sleeper issue, below our radar ..... but can kill us just the same
- They accumulate in our bodies
- They can exceed our body's capacity to deal with them ; and when they do
- They manifest in disease
The need is clear to get these substances out of your body - because your life and health may depend on it. But by the same token, as toxins leave your body - and as it restores itself itself step by step - you may also find that you feel a whole lot better. Order Touchstone Essentials Pure Body Extra today, or contact us for help. Let Pure Body Extra get environmental toxins substances out of your body now !
Jeff Smith RN (Retired)
- Environmental toxins are a sleeper issue, below our radar ..... but can kill us just the same
- They accumulate in our bodies
- They can exceed our body's capacity to deal with them ; and when they do
- They manifest in disease
The need is clear to get these substances out of your body - because your life and health may depend on it. But by the same token, as toxins leave your body - and as it restores itself itself step by step - you may also find that you feel a whole lot better. Order Touchstone Essentials Pure Body Extra today, or contact us for help. Let Pure Body Extra get environmental toxins substances out of your body now !
Jeff Smith RN (Retired)
Contact Us
Jeff and Rose Smith
Living Waters Wellness Products
[email protected]
Cell/WhatsApp/Text : 1 (916) 962 2685
"Living Waters Wellness" : About Us !
Jeff and Rose Smith
Living Waters Wellness Products
[email protected]
Cell/WhatsApp/Text : 1 (916) 962 2685
"Living Waters Wellness" : About Us !